To begin, Common Core claims that their standards are more "rigorous" and "world class." They also promise that it will restore and elevate k-12 education to world prominence. Glenn provides evidence stating otherwise.
Common Core State Standards Initiative is comprised of three private organizations: (1) the National Governors Association (NGA); (2) the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO); (3) a group called Achieve Inc. All three organizations are proponents of a one-size-fits-all educational agenda, and a de facto nationalization of America's public schools.
"It was then that I realized that this initiative, which had been constantly portrayed as state led and voluntary, was really about control. It was about control. Then it got co-opted by the Department of Education later. And it was about control totality from some education reform groups who candidly admit their real agenda here is to create a national marketplace for education products and services.
Even more troubling to me was the lack of transparency.... These standard were written behind closed doors.... We didn't know who the writers were until the project was complete."Jason Zimba, a professor at Bennington College and the lead writer of the math standards, admitted that students following the prescription of Common Core would likely be precluded from attending top-ranked universities since Common Core is not aligned with the expectations at the university level.
In short, Common Core is portrayed in an eerie and sinister manner, with an agenda to essentially dumb-down our students, remove individualism, and to ensure that all schools are equally mediocre. Is this truthfully the agenda of Common Core?
Additionally, Glenn discusses important issues facing our educational system, and, what can be done in order to correct them. Overall, this was an interesting read.
Glenn Beck is a nationally syndicated radio host and founder of TheBlaze. He is an eleven-time #1 bestselling author.